Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Life on mars?!?!

Do you see what I see?Is this life on mars?If you look it look's like big foot don't it?This one is the best to me.The first one is better.This photo was taken bt NASA.This is on you tube there is the live one on the news.But they have alot of photo's of this.And one of the videos has three things that prove it.It is one of my favs on you tube.Check it out.And tell me if you are on you tube.


Jairo said...

dude, you nkow this is old......and fake. its fake because it was taken at a desert, cant you see those sand dunes and bushes?

frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

That is so weird! I mean my sister just showed me that video about 6 minutes ago! I think that it's just the shadow of a rock. It looks like to me a bent over rock and the figure is the shadow.
Though I do believe in aliens.

bones111 said...

Wel I do believe in aliens,too.But that one is probly fake.

bones111 said...

Jairo m.I gave you 5 funk cash.For finding out how to get unrealsed funkeys well you know the hack.So you can by something from the stores.

Jairo said...

alright!, cool!... but i wouldnt try the hack if i were you......